Friday, July 20, 2007

Day 1 of Vacation

Today was officially the first day of our vacation. We spent the day packing, cleaning and running last minute errands. We made a few last minute shopping trips for shoes and clothes. We also ended up having to buy a larger suitcase even though we already had half a dozen at home! Once everything was packed and the house was clean we headed for my moms. My mom surprised us with $300 to spend on our trip! She then took us to Tracy’s parent’s house. We thought it would be best to stay there for the night since our flight was so early Saturday morning. At their house we ordered Chinese and talked about what we would do on our trip. Then Tracy had to do some rearranging of her suitcase to make sure her bag didn’t weigh too much. Then off to bed we went for a 3 hour nap.

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