Thursday, October 04, 2007

Warning: Boring

The last few days have been pretty nice. Yesterday I actually got up and made myself breakfast, which isn’t something I get to do when I’m working. I had a couple of pieces of bacon and an egg. Oh and I’ve rediscovered my love of coffee. Well, I have always loved coffee, I just don’t make it at home too often…I’m a Starbucks snob. But since I’m working from home I don’t want to start making a habit of driving to Starbucks every day. I do have to say I bought some pumpkin spice creamer and it was pretty darn tasty!!

Lets see…what have I done this week…I had an inspection on Tuesday and then I had 2 more today. Oh and yesterday I wrote 4 reports. Not too shabby. And I’ve sent my resume off to several companies.

Thanks to anyone reading this boring blog!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I’m such a party animal! On Saturday we went to the Jimmy Buffett concert in Irvine. I had originally bought 4 lawn seats for Matt, Tracy, her boyfriend and myself. Well, on Thursday my favorite sister called and offered me 2 VIP passes and tickets in the orchestra section. I took them and ditched Tracy and Anton. See, my sister is the greatest! Back to Saturday…we picked Tracy and Anton up and headed for the concert around 2:00. We were told the parking lot would not open until 3, but we tried anyways. Sure enough they were turning everyone away at the gate saying they don’t officially open until 3, but may open a little earlier. We circled around once and by the time we got back to the gate, they were open. There were motorhomes and cars lined up along all the side streets waiting to get in. The Irvine police were out in force busting all the Parrotheads for drinking on the sidewalks! Fun times! We were lucky because the people parked next to us had a tiny car and left right away for motorhome parking. This gave us plenty of space to sprawl our Buffett gear out. Then the party began. Tracy thought ahead and made the boys some silly signs. We drank, drank and drank some more. I made some amazing Jell-o shooters! I think I am officially a Jell-o shooting professional. So, between the Jell-o shots and beers, we were all feeling pretty good. We walk around a little to see what was up in the motorhome section. But I think we had just as much fun and excitement at our own tailgate. Anton made chicken tacos on our mini grill that were amazing. Shortly after we headed inside for the show. I think I’m forgetting some aspects of the evening…but it’s to be expected since I was so intoxicated! The show was a ton of fun. We didn’t sit down the entire show. Matt bought me a tiny $7 beer, of which I spilt shortly after 2 sips. Oops… There are a few things I can't mention because as Tracy put it they are "too incriminating"! We will be doing this again next year fo sho!

We dressed the part...

And Matt handed out his salty nuts...
You can see the rest of our pics on flickr.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Work Shmerck!

So, back in April one of our big clients went out of business. Since then our work has slowed quite a bit. Well, on Thursday I found out that Friday would be my last day. I am still going to work as a consultant for them until I find something else. My job before was doing safety inspections and miscellaneous things around the office. Now I will just be doing the safety inspections. I am really hoping to get at least 4 per week, so I will have a comparable income to what it was before. So far I have enough work to last through the end of October. I'm just hoping to get the same, if not more, for next month. I have mixed feelings about it. On one hand it's going to be a bit tough paying the huge mortgage each month and hoping I get enough work. But on the other hand I'm excited to move on to my next adventure. I'm just dreading the job hunting portion! My [former] boss is working on another deal that could lead to more work, so he sad if/when he lands the deal he will bring me back. I'm not really holding my breath. However, I would definitely go back there since I had the perfect flexible schedule. I would LOVE to just do consulting work. Come on, working a couple of days a week on MY terms is wonderful! But I'm not sure I can pull it off...I would just stress too much about getting enough work month to month. I guess the ultimate job would be something part time AND continue to do safety inspections. That would be fabulous! So, in the mean time don't expect any fabulously outrageous gifts from me. And if we go out and I get tipsy and offer to buy the next round (like I love to do) DON'T let matter how tempting!!!

Matt can't complain too much because this means his wife has more time to make him gourmet dinners...