Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Busy Week

Hey kids! It's been a busy week so far. I had 2 inspections yesterday and today. Plus I have one tomorrow and 2 on Thursday. That's 7 reports I have to write! Plus I still have reports to write from last week. So, Friday I'll be writing a total of at least 12 reports. Yuck. Busy, busy me!

I should have taken a picture...last night I made some fabulous stuffed shells. Not super healthy, but all things in moderation. Then today I made sushi. It was a lot of work and I'm not sure it was really worth it. It was fun, but in the end we probably could have gone out to a sushi restaurant and it would have cost the same! Oh well.

Oh, I was down 3.5 this morning at my weigh in. Actually, I was down closer to 5 pounds because of the gain I had last week. But I didn't count last week...blah, blah, blah. I've lost a total of 12 pounds in January so far. Yeah, I'm the bomb. You can agree.

I'm tired.


AndieB said...

12 pounds is awesome!!!!! Especially for a MONTH. A whole month! Now lets try for another 12 in February! I know you can do it! I can't believe you made sushi! That's pretty cool!

OaklandLady said...

Holy mother effing weight loss! i have stayed the same for like 6 weeks now ..im so frstrated. You are majorly rocking this thing .... what should ido to be more like you?