Thursday, February 21, 2008

Because People Ask Why I'm Not Blogging

I haven't blogged in a while because there really hasn't been much to talk about. For whatever reason I have started watching Big Brother this season. Maybe it's the lack of other programming on right now, but I'm enjoying it.

Not much news on my diet either. I have maintained for the past couple of weeks and I'm fine with that. Tonight I'm going to a seminar on the Lap Band. I've been to one before, but this one is with a different surgeon. So, before I can even meet with this doctor I have to go to the seminar. It should only be an hour long. (Negative comments will be deleted.)

Another reason I love Matt... Often when I'm cooking dinner I will put my hair in a pony tail. However, I am usually too lazy to walk all the way upstairs to get a hair tie. Well, Matt has a secret stash of hair ties he brought down stairs for me. So, when I say, "Oh man, I need to put my hair up." Matt tells me to close my eyes and he goes for the secret stash. He's my hero.

Not much else to report. I'm really trying my hardest to be lazy and it's working.


AndieB said...

I go through phases were I don't have anything to talk about... its all good. We just started watching BB too. Peter loves that show. There has all ready been so much drama. I could never be on a show like that I wouldn't have the patience to deal with those people.

Let me know how the seminar goes!

BTW I think Matt is a keeper!

OaklandLady said...

OMG thats so friggin sweet it kills me. . my thing is lip stuff, i cant go too long without some sort of artificial moisturization, and sometimes i am in the living room, in my PJS, and too comfortable, or have a cat on my lap and wes will go get some for me, but i usually have to ask.