New Website
Please visit my new site... Michelley's Belly
Please visit my new site... Michelley's Belly
Posted by
My Name Is Michelle
6:00 AM
We've grown apart.
It's not you, it's me.
I just don't know what I want right now.
I need something more.
I need to find myself.
I'm gonna have to let you go.
I've met somebody else.
Posted by
My Name Is Michelle
3:44 PM
What were you doing 10 years ago in 1998?
Working at Mervyn's and going to Saddleback Community College
What were you doing 1 year ago?
Pretty much what I'm doing now, not much has changed this past year.
5 snacks I enjoy:
Ice Cream
Beef Jerky
Fruity Candy like Starburst and Laffy Taffy
5 things you would do if you were a multi-millionaire
Buy a nice house in San Diego
Buy my sister a condo
Buy a vacation home in Maui
Go back to school
5 bad habits
Not exercising
Staying up too late and sleeping in
LOVING butter
Forgetting to floss
Reading celebrity gossip
5 things I like doing:
5 things I'd never wear again:
Jelly Sandals
Pink Lipstick
5 favorite toys:
Posted by
My Name Is Michelle
7:32 PM
I discovered a new toy today. Well, I didn't discover it on my was originally discovered by the man of the house, but I LOVE it. Goggle Reader. I've gotten to the point where I'm reading tons of blogs on a daily basis and this is the perfect tool to read them in one place! I suggest checking it out just for fun!
Also, I bought 4 pounds of bacon at Costco today. Enough to last us a lifetime. (not really a lifetime). I don't buy bacon too often because of it's obvious fat content, but I've been craving a turkey, bacon, avocado, swiss sandwich. On a croissant of course. Anyway, the BEST bacon is Oscar Mayer which is the most expensive of course at around $6 per pound. Today I got 4 pounds of Costco bacon for $8 and some change. But it's probably not nearly as good as my favorite Oscar Mayer. Why am I telling you this? I just thought it's funny to buy 4 pounds of bacon for 2 people. Costco has that affect (or is it effect?) on me.
Posted by
My Name Is Michelle
6:01 PM
I haven't blogged in a while because there really hasn't been much to talk about. For whatever reason I have started watching Big Brother this season. Maybe it's the lack of other programming on right now, but I'm enjoying it.
Not much news on my diet either. I have maintained for the past couple of weeks and I'm fine with that. Tonight I'm going to a seminar on the Lap Band. I've been to one before, but this one is with a different surgeon. So, before I can even meet with this doctor I have to go to the seminar. It should only be an hour long. (Negative comments will be deleted.)
Another reason I love Matt... Often when I'm cooking dinner I will put my hair in a pony tail. However, I am usually too lazy to walk all the way upstairs to get a hair tie. Well, Matt has a secret stash of hair ties he brought down stairs for me. So, when I say, "Oh man, I need to put my hair up." Matt tells me to close my eyes and he goes for the secret stash. He's my hero.
Not much else to report. I'm really trying my hardest to be lazy and it's working.
Posted by
My Name Is Michelle
1:53 PM
Posted by
My Name Is Michelle
3:58 PM
I forgot to stop by and blog yesterday. I was down a mere pound at my weigh in yesterday morning. I need to pick up the pace. Well, I shouldn't say that because I've been doing fairly well with my diet. Tomorrow is going to pose a small challenge though. I am meeting Matt for lunch then we are going to dinner with his family at Red Lobster for his granny's birthday. Yes, she gets 2 party's this reason to live to 91!! So for lunch I can pretty much pick what I want, so hopefully I make the smart choice. I guess for dinner I will stick with shrimp and veggies. And I must stop by Starbucks in the morn before my hair's my tradition. I'll just have to be smart with my points...
Posted by
My Name Is Michelle
3:00 PM
The weekend went by too fast! Yesterday was pretty much a lazy day. We went to get tires for the truck, but the wait was super long and we decided to wait until Sunday to do it. Then we went on the hunt for my new laptop. I've been going back and forth for the past few months trying to decide whether I wanted another PC or if I wanted a Mac. Last night I decided on the PC and we ordered it. I am super excited and Matt's a little jealous. His laptop is good, so he really shouldn't be too jealous. My old one is just that, OLD! My new one will now be the one we take with us on trips since it is smaller. It will also be easier for me to take and use for work when I need it. Lastly, it will be a nice tax write-off since I'm using it for my consulting.
Today I got up super early (8:15) and we went to Starbucks for breakfast. We then headed to Costco to get the new tires on the truck, which look good because they are a little bigger than the last ones. Then we were off to Matt's uncles house to celebrate his granny's birthday. The in-laws are always fun to be around. Then home to watch the Superbowl, which turned out to be pretty boring.
Now, it's cold and rainy again. Diet wise I've been doing really well. Today I was a little off with the birthday thing and Del Taco tonight, but I'm still confident that I will have a loss come Tuesday. I don't have any work this week, so I'm hoping to get some stuff done around the house: vacum, mop, dust and clean out my dressers and closet. I'm finally getting in to get my hair done on Thursday. It's been postponed twice now, so it's well overdue! OK, I need to go finish up the laundry. I'll catch up later.
P.S. Del Taco was nasty.
Posted by
My Name Is Michelle
7:55 PM
Posted by
My Name Is Michelle
9:08 PM